Autism Rant

Being the parent of a child with any form of autism or any intellectual disorder can be very frustrating on the parent. My son has PPD-NOS with major sensory integration and perception issues and I must say people who don’t deal with a child with problems should just shut up and try living one day in my shoes. Just because my son is having a meltdown does not mean the I am bad parent or he is just a spoiled brat. So when you see a child acting out take a step back and thing well maybe there is a reason for his behavior before passing judgements. Ok thank you I feel better now.

Daily Prompt: Mid-Season Replacement

I think we all just have to complain about something…when it is cold we complain that we can’t wait for the summer. When it’s hot we can’t for the next season. Now that fall is upon us everyone around me is complaining about runny noses and bad allergies and how it’s getting cold too quickly. I on the other hand love the fall especially seeing that I live in New England with all the spectacular colors. Fall is my favorite season.